The Australian country music industry has today been rocked by shocking allegations from within its ranks.

One of the industry’s hottest prospects has been hit by claims that he doesn’t drink Jack Daniels.

Not only that, but that he actually hates the taste of Tennessee’s most famous whiskey.

The claims have been levelled at up-and-coming musician Korey Bell, who reportedly vomited after being forced to take a swig of Jack on stage at a recent performance.

The vomit drew widespread ridicule during and immediately after the show, and journalists have since discovered that the instance was not out of character.

Numerous testimonies have been presented revealing that Korey cannot stomach the taste of Jack whatsoever.

Offered the opportunity to provide a story about how sick he made himself on Jack one night, Korey has reportedly told label execs that he’s never liked the taste of the spirit.

The shocking revelations have seen Korey quietly removed from all of the labels website and social media content, with the country star chucked out on his own.

Korey has yet to provide comment on the issue, but it’s believed platforms are considering pulling all of his songs where he mentions Jack Daniels.

More to come.


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