A Betoota Heights man is today been hailed for his culinary genius and ingenuity.

Praised by chefs around the world for his newest pioneering dish, Brenton Harrison has spoken to The Advocate about his journey to the top tier of food creators.

“Yeah, I didn’t really think much of it at the time,” laughed Brenton, who yesterday came up with a groundbreaking new recipe that no one can quite put a finger on.

“I mean, I just kinda got creative with it,” said the unattended husband who was left in charge of the slow cooker yesterday morning.

“Kell got called into work early and then just told me to sort something out for dinner as she rushed out the door.”

“So rather than just do the old fashioned Butter Chicken recipe, which Kell doesn’t let me buy the jar sauce for any more, I thought I’d mix it up.”

The aspiring masterchef said after looking through the fridge, he decided to make what he calls a Betoota Heights Gravy Beef Goulash.

“Yeah, bitta meat, bitta potatoes, couple of stock cubes and then just have a tub of gravy powder,” said Brenton of his new recipe.

“Chucked a couple of Italian herbs in there as well.”

“And some carrots to make it healthy.”

“Came up pretty well I reckon,” said the partner of a woman who made herself a salad and a cup of soup for dinner.

While the new recipe has drawn a wave of praise from notable culinary personalities, Brenton’s wife Kell isn’t quite as impressed.

“I don’t know if I’d feed that to the dog,” sighed Kell, fresh off the back of a 14 hour shift.

“I honestly do not understand what goes on inside his head.”

“I specifically told him not to use the beef, because I was going to make a Thai Beef Salad tonight, but he conveniently forgot that.”

“This always happens when I leave him in charge of the slow cooker.”

“Oh well, at least I get takeaway for lunch.”

More to come.


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