US President Joe Biden and former US President Donald Trump are today on stage together for the first time in four years, as the two geriatrics argue over who should lead the most powerful country in the world until 2028..

With Biden clocking in at 81 years of age, and Trump at 78, both men are too old to hold a drivers licence without getting annually approved by their doctor.

Many say it is for this reason that both parties have agreed to such an early election debate, more than four months before the actual election November 5. With both candidates already having outlived America’s shamefully low life rate of life expectancy, the fear remains that either of them could fall off the perch before the voters decide which camp they sit in.

So far, the debate has been about as fruitful as some of the arguments that were taking place in the bowls clubs and aged care homes of Australia last October, as the people were asked to debate something that would never affect them, but they were forced to talk about non stop.

With Trump hopped up on misinformation and Biden not really sure what’s going on, this cognitively exhausting and pointless spectacle will achieve as much those arguments your pop used to have with his mate at the bowls club about the Indigenous Voice referendum.

And just like that miserable era of Australia politics, the final result will be overwhelmingly disappointing for the vast majority – and the only ones cheering will be those who haven’t really seen too much of the real world.


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