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A Betoota Heights woman has today come to the conclusion many lash extension lovers come to eventually, which is that they only really ever look good for the first couple of days before going to complete and utter shit.

Billie Rhodes [25] tells The Advocate she’d been committed to going to her lash lady on a fortnightly basis for roughly a year now, when she’d she suddenly looked in the mirror and realised her need for a refill left her looking as though spider’s legs had sprung from her eyeballs.

“Honestly, by the time it gets to the one week mark, they’re not looking that hot”, she admits, “you just end up with a whole bunch of weird gaps.”

“Now with the cost of living, I’ve been trying to push it to three weeks.”

“But it’s just time for me to admit it”, she sighs, “mascara just looks better.”

“And strip lashes from Priceline actually end up looking way nicer, if you want to go full glam.”

“It’s time to let them go.”

More to come.


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