The Labor Party have taken their first L in 12 months of government this week, with the Greens voting to reject Labor’s centrepiece housing policy.

The Greens have refused to sign off on the bill because they do not agree with the Labor Party’s idea of ‘affordable’ housing, which as far as anyone can tell – is just more houses for rich boomers and well-heeled investors to snap up in an already manipulated market.

The Greens want National Cabinet to impose rent freezes – and the immediate development of PUBLIC housing in their own inner-city electorates – in return for their support of the housing bill.

This stubbornness has infuriated both Labor MPs and the Australian media – a political class mostly made up of well-heeled yuppies who want the government to be able to say they are tackling housing affordability without doing anything that even slightly devalues their gorgeous inner-city terrace houses that they snapped up ages ago for a steal, and have actively worked to make the value go up as much as possible.

The fact that the greens have completely changed their election strategy of appealing to retired Liberal voters who care about the environments, and are now actively courting the financially distressed blue collar underclass, is also shitting the media – who had hoped they could blame the difficult negotiations on the Greens being ‘detached elites’.

With their previous narrative down blown to pieces, and the Greens refusing to vote with them, the Labor Party are out of tricks when it comes to providing lip service to millions of Australians at the mercy of a cruel and manipulated housing market.

The vote means the government must wait three months before it can bring back the Housing Australia Future Fund bill, which seeks to establish a $10 billion fund to build social and affordable housing.

“These stupid fucking Greenies,” sighed one high ranking Labor MP.

“Trying to turn housing into a human right rather a way for people like us to make huge amounts of money.”

“It’s bloody frustrating, I don’t know when they got so uppity.”

More to come.


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