ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

An Old City District legal practitioner has attracted the ire of his firm’s HR department this morning after he took time to abuse every English white-collar refugee employed by the Betoota office.

Shortly before 9 am at the Remienko Avenue offices of Rimm, Jobe & Associates, lawyer Dennis Mulligan walked over to John James’ cubicle and yelled, “get a fucking dog up ya, ya fucken pommie fuck” into his ear.

Mr. James obviously took offense to this and reported his associate to the human resources department, who told The Advocate that their hands were tied and Dennis had to be written up.

“Mr. James might be a silly pommie fuck, but you can’t just yell at someone and expect it not to end up on our desk,” said one of the firm’s HR professionals.

“There are acceptable ways to discuss things in the office that aren’t work-related. Abusing someone and using foul language is not acceptable. We understand that Mr. James had somewhat provoked Dennis in the days leading up to the alleged incident. Mr. James was remarking that England is better than every way than Australia, to which Dennis remarked, ‘Why don’t you go back to Bristol then, you pencil-neck cunt?’ which is acceptable in our opinion.”

“However, Dennis going on to say that educated English people migrating to Australia is putting more pressure on the rental and housing market because they’re competing with educated Australians for the same house. People coming over on a 457 visa to work in the service economy or healthcare aren’t looking to rent a home in the French Quarter, Bondi, or Fitzroy. It’s the Irish, Americans, Canadians, the English that are the biggest problem. That is not an acceptable thing for Dennis to say. There is a line, and Dennis has crossed it two times in two days. He will receive a formal warning.”

The Advocate reached out to Dennis for comment but have yet to receive a reply.

More to come.


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