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A local woman has this week been thwarted by her feeble attempt to stop snacking, as even freshly brushed teeth could not resist the pull of the corn chips calling her name, it’s reported.

Karlie Newton tells The Advocate that she blames her unbridled carb consumption on the colder weather, which combined with going to the gym far less, has made her jeans a little snug.

“I tried to be more disciplined by just not having snacks in the house anymore ”, admits Karlie “but then it gets to 9pm and my body yearns for chips”

“Which would be fine if UberEats didn’t exist.”

“Then I pay three times as much to have some delivered.”

Karlie says she also tried brushing her teeth early in a bid to stop herself from rummaging through the the cupboard before bed, but that that too, has failed to work.

“The heart wants what it wants.”

More to come.


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