ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
Former prime minister Scott Morrison has issued a length statement from Italy this afternoon that outlines his refusal to be the RoboDebt whipping boy because he rejects the findings the report made against him.
In the statement, the Member for Cook explained that while he was directly involved in the RoboDebt programme from when it was first conceived to when it was implemented under his prime ministership, he still rejects anything that makes him look bad.
“A part of being a good leader is being responsible,” the statement said.
“Being responsible for things you are responsible for – not for things you aren’t. That makes you a patsy, a whipping boy. I reject that I am responsible for the RoboDebt debacle. It’s quite obvious to me that it was someone else’s fault. These findings make me look like some sort of psychopath. I reject that. These findings make me look like I wasn’t up to the job of running the country. I reject that. These findings make me look like I don’t care about dole bludgers and disabled people. I, uh, reject that,”
“These findings against me in the RoboDebt report make me look bad, so I reject them. I won’t even address them, because I’m sunburnt in Portofino. I might address them properly on Monday, actually.”
More to come.