In a report of shocking convenience, the best place to eat in Italy just happens to be the exact obscure town that your mate’s nonna is from.

Famous for bringing several vegetables, herbs and an unhealthy obsession with sport to Australia, Italian-Australians are also renowned for their love of recommending some truly incredible places to eat, whether you asked for it or not.

One of the most well regarded foodie destinations on earth, the regional culinary traditions of Italy vary greatly, meaning travellers are spoiled for choice when it comes time to convert protein intake into muscle energy.

However, when it comes time for Australians to talk about their favourite places to eat in the Mighty Mediterranean Shoe, all first hand accounts can be thrown out the window when someone with family from another area enters the chat.

“Oh come on, the Florentines only sell that for the tourists,” states Italian-Australian James Antonio, who still couldn’t believe his friend didn’t visit his nonna’s ancient village of 83 people.

“You should have gone to Anovanta for a traditional bowl of tognolini alla anoventese.”

While Antonio’s musings could easily be dismissed due to bias, a recent report into the best places to eat in Italy has emphatically confirmed that your Italian mate’s obscure ancestral home is the number one spot to eat in Italy, no questions asked.

“It can only be called an authentic anoventese ragu if it is made with the pure well water from Anovanta. My nonna told me in the ‘80s there was a man in Betoota who used to fly over authentic Anovanta water to use in his ragu alla anoventese but was forced to shut down after it turned out he was watering down his water to cut costs.”

“I can’t believe you were only six hours away and you didn’t go.”



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