South Australians, and more specifically Adelaidean, are finally getting a taste of what it’s like to be trodden upon by the Sydney and Melbourne elites this week.

After centuries of insisting they were just as important as Victorians, the free settlers now realise they are nothing more than Queenslanders in breasted coats.

While many wanted to believe that their state, which they always make a point of clarifying was founded by free settlers and not CONVICTS, it is now undeniable how expendable they are to the eastern political establishment that runs both the AFL and Federal Government.

This follows the news that the Crows were denied a go-ahead goal against Sydney with 70 seconds remaining in their one-point loss which tipped them from the finals race on Saturday night.

A Ben Keays kick was ruled a behind when the goal umpire incorrectly deemed the ball had brushed the post.

The AFL has apologised to Adelaide for the error, but it’s definitely ended their season.

However, while the umpiring error may have ruined the year for a lot of South Aussies – there is one silverlining.

The people of Adelaide now finally have something to talk about that isn’t directly related to the unsolve disappearances of their own citizens.

Or the serial killing sprees that plague their outer-suburbs.

Or – and this is the real winner – the people of South Australia and Adelaide no longer need to discuss the fucking Somerton Man.

The Somerton Man refers to a mystery that has plagued the simple people of the great South for 74 years.

In 1948, the body of a well-dressed man was found slumped on a South Australian beach in the seaside suburb of Somerton Park. A half-smoked cigarette was resting on his collar, and there was a line from a Persian poem in his pocket – but investigators had no idea who he was.

Many theories exist in relation to the man’s identity, including that the person – dubbed Somerton Man – was a spy or a European war criminal who jumped off a U-Boat.

But this wild mystery can remain unsolved for now. Because the Crows got cheated out of their finals run. A scandal that will be talked about for much longer than 74 years. What a disgrace.


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