ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact
A Sydney-native that now enjoys the peace of living in our cosmopolitan desert community has told The Advocate today that for a while now, he’s been growing tired of The Sydney Morning Herald and has been looking for a reason to end his subscription.
A ‘column’ allegedly penned by Toto Albanese, the 8-year-old cavoodle owned by Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, is the reason that Michael Kennedy has been looking for.
The 56-year-old mathematics teacher at Green Road State School said he’s put up with a lot but the ChatGPT musings of a “fucking dog” is the final straw.
“I’ve put up with the constant updates and stories surrounding Sydney’s elite private schools for years. Anyone who lives west of the Sydney Fish Markets couldn’t care less about what happens at elite private schools yet we have pages chock full of dispatches from everyone in that sector from the chinless principals to the inheritance babies that might have to suffer the indignity of being educated with female students,” he explained to our reporter.
“Who gives a fuck?! Not me! I don’t know, maybe I should just go back to reading the (Daily) Telegraph like a real man. I sometimes get the (Courier) Mail but only for the form guide. Other than that, I just read this (The Betoota Advocate) and get annoyed at all the spelling mistakes, missing words, poor grammar, constant descriptions of gratuitous violence, animal cruelty. The list goes on. That and it’s mostly heavily opinionated and left leaning, which means you’re either too young to know what’s good for you or you’re a (fucking) idiot,”
“And then today, I open it up and see an article written by a dog. Yep. That’s it for me. I want to know what Toto Albanese’s opinion is of the Richmond injecting rooms. Or which morbidly obese yuppie shitebag from Dulwich Hill via Lane Cove is poisoning the greens at Marrickville Golf Club? I want to know what Toto makes of the conflict in Gaza – is it genocide or self-defence? What is it, Toto?”
“No, instead we have some ChatGPT gibberish about letting dogs on trains. Again, who gives a fuck?”
More to come.