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A Betoota Heights couple have discovered they both have some rather esoteric knowledge regarding a historical event from a 100 years ago, during their weekly Monday trivia session at the Fig & Lotus Hotel.

Christie Manning and Mitchell Housten, both 31, are alleged to have been largely unhelpful during the first half of the trivia night, having contributed just one answer to a pop culture question by the time round one ended. 

However, in an unlikely twist that even M Night Shimayalan wouldn’t have seen coming, the pair not only proved to be weirdly helpful when it came to the crunch question at the end of round two, but also ended up being the MVP’s – when the host posed a question about the armenian genocide.

It’s alleged the host had barely finished his question regarding the year the Ottoman empire committed a genocide against Amernian Christian people, when both Christie and Mitchell were seen fighting for a pen and exclaiming ‘1915!’ – resulting in the whole table looking at them in confusion.

“How the fuck did you guys know that but not who the 2007 Australian Prime Minister was?”, queried one mate, genuinely shocked.

It’s alleged Christie was about to answer the question when Mitchell was heard singing “Liar! Killer! Demon!”, leaving the rest of the table even more confused than before.

More to come.


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