Australia is reeling this morning after seeing proof that unicorns might exist.
The proof comes in the form of former Liberal treasurer Peter Costello clashing with a journalist from the Australian newspaper.
In a video released online, the now current Chairman of Nine Media can be seen moving towards the journalist who then ends up on the ground.
The journalist claims in the video that Costello assaulted him.
Costello, rather humorously, has suggested that the journalist tripped over an advertising placard at the moment the former treasurer seemed to charge forward and pull a funny face.
Regardless of the viability of the journalist tripping over a non-existent advertising placard, the interaction is believed to be the first time in history that someone from News Corp has had a disagreement with a high ranking member of the Liberal Party.
Essentially a symbiotic pair, Murdoch and the Liberal Party have had a long history of helping shape the country in their vision.
While it’s arguable who is the buffalo and who is the oxpecker, the pair have been able to scratch each other’s back and ensure that the institutional framework that greases the gears of people like Rupert Murdoch and Peter Dutton runs smoothly.
Murdoch’s role as the proprietor of a monopolistic media organisation has seen him work hand in hand with the party who is in power the majority of the time.
It’s believed the closest they ever came to arguing was during 2007 when, after decade of John Howard’s Prime Ministership, the pair agreed to rest, recharge and handball the GFC to Kevin Rudd and Julia Gillard.
It’s unknown if the situation will escalate further, but with a Federal Election around the corner it’s assumed the rival parties will have to find a way to kiss and make up.
More to come.