As the nation collectively acknowledges that it’s not fucking warm, a local woman has today shed some insight into a popular weather related metric.

Speaking to The Advocate, 28-year-old Betoota woman Grace Airth has explained that the Bureau of Meteorology’s’ ‘feel’s like’ temperature metric is a crock of shit.

“They must be basing it off what the temperature feels like to a 10-year-old child,” she shuddered underneath her two work blankies and a puffer jacket.

Airth says that the metric of what the temperature feels like outside must be based off what it feels like to be a spritely primary school kid who is running around in shorts or a skirt in the freezing cold before the first bell for the day goes.


“Can you feel a draft coming in from somewhere by the way,” laughed the woman who is slowly turning into her mum.

Airth’s comments come as the coldest days of the year arrive off the back of some ‘polar blast.’

“Dark mornings, early nights and freezing cold,” sighed Airth.

“This time of year’s fucked,” said the woman who can never get warm enough.

“The girls and I have had to take blankets into the office to stay warm.”

“I don’t remember it being this cold. I use to run around in a skirt and a shitty sloppy joe as a kid. When did I get like this.”

More to come.


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