Local woman, Penny Young (31) , who recently re-enrolled into University for psychology, has reportedly been unsuccessful in trying to connect with her younger classmates.

Penny, who recently had the random urge for a drastic life-pivot decided to enroll in a Psychology course, after heavily considering a move to Melbourne.

Being the sensible mature age Uni student Penny is, the 31 year old kitted herself out with brand new text books, stationary and a new laptop, what she couldn’t prepare for was just how hard it would be to connect with her classmates.

Her first blunder came when during a tutorial, the topic of celebrity mental health in the public eye was brought up.

Penny couldn’t help but let out a “winning!” in the middle of the class, a reference to Charlie Sheen’s public mental health battle during the early 2010’s.

The entire class turned to her with a blank stare.

“I thought everyone remembers when Charlie Sheen said he’s winning in an interview and the term ‘winning’ became the viral word of the day.” Said Penny.

Things went from bad to worse when Penny spotted the cool girls from her class partaking in Gen Z’s favourite pastime, vaping.

Reportedly,  Penny went up to the group of girls and asked them if they use tumblr, in a desperate attempt to actually make some friends that weren’t teachers.

Once again Penny was met with a blank stare.

In a last ditch effort, Penny asked one of them if she could have a hit of their vape.

“I’d never tried one before but I thought I could handle it. I used to smoke back in high school, how bad could it be? I really just wanted to fit in” Penny told The Advocate.

Within minutes Penny was on all fours gagging for oxygen with a puzzled group of 19 year olds looking down on her.

“They didn’t even ask if I was ok, they just slowly walked away”


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