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Though moving in with your partner should be a happy milestone, for local woman Amelia Fortunati, 32, it’s sadly bringing her nothing but stress.

As a self confessed interior design enthusiast with a penchant for mid century furniture, Amelia is used to living in a space that feels warm, earthy and inviting – with her ultimate ‘dream house’ being the one from Practical Magic.

But unfortunately for Amelia, she’s made the mistake of moving in with her boyfriend, instead of the two of them finding a new space together – which means she now has to find a way to get rid of all his hideous millennial grey furniture.

The term, which Urban Dictionary has described as ‘“The sad depressive hue of the color grey which many millennials coat their life in. The colour reflects how millennials went from nonsense happiness, looking at Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon in the ‘90s to Inflation and depression in the early 2020s.’ is said to be in direct response to the outlandish hues of the 80s and 90s, or for those who had to deal with hoarder parents.

Amelia tells us more.

“We has exposed beams in his apartment for fuck’s sake!”, she spits, looking genuinely distressed, “how can you have grey furniture with EXPOSED BEAMS.”

Amelia says she’s already been floating the idea of green arm chair and a brown leather sofa, but that her boyfriend has remained resistant.

“Our relationship has been perfect until now, but I can’t live like this”, she says, showing our reporter a photo of a living room that doesn’t have a single spec of colour, “it’s so depressing.”

“I’m questioning everything.”

Amelia reveals that she’s going to give it another month of pestering, before she secretly organises an Airtasker guy to get rid of everything.

“And before you ask, no, he doesn’t have any attachment to this furniture, he picked it all up kerbside.”

“It has to go, or I go.”

More to come.


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