As the potential for major conflicts teeters in the Middle East, Europe and now the United States Of America – one local Betoota Heights man says it’s time to begin mitigating all risks that his family have control over.

This comes as the USA was spared a domestic civil war by one centimetre over the weekend, following Former President Trump’s very near encounter with an assassin’s bullet.

As Trump transforms into somewhat of a messiah for a bereaved army of voters who are now very willing to believe that Jesus Christ is protecting him political opponents, and the current President of the most powerful country in the world descends into a very visible deterioration of cognitive functions, it feels like either one of these two men are very capable of starting a world war in the foreseeable future.

Meanwhile, the gunfire and explosions of Ukraine and Gaza has been peppering social media and nightly news programs for what feels like years.

The very real possibility of another interest rate hike from the Reserve Bank Of Australia also presents imminent challenges to our nation’s middle class, with even more and more families edging even closer to a mortgage cliff by the day

Even the usual antidote of high quality international sport has done little to soothe the tensions of a terrifying global news cycle, with Wimbledon, The Euros and Copa America barely able to get a headline.

While the images of crying Englishmen may provide a briefly therapeutic reprieve from the world’s woes, it’s become clear that it will take a lot more than heartbroken soccer fans for things to get back on kilter.

Enter local sports marketing sales coordinator, Marty Shosages (43).

Marty knows that his missus is stressing about all of this crazy stuff happening in the world. He’s also aware that his three school-age kids might be old enough to process that the former US President just had his ear shot off.

That’s why he’s left his desk this arvo to take control of the things he can control.

“Bub” he says, down the phone to his wife.

“Let’s just do a spag bol tonight I reckon. Do I need to pick anything up? Feel like we’ve got everything we need in the fridge?”

“Tell the kids no homework tonight. Who cares. “

“Lets bung on some House Of Dragons and drown that shit in parmesan”


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