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A Brisbane woman who once had her ear completely fucked up by an Off Ya Tree piercer, says she knows ‘exactly’ how Donald Trump must be feeling today, after having his ear clipped by a bullet (or shards from a teleprompter glass, depending on who you ask) during his rally yesterday in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The former US president/ sex offender appeared to have been struck by something in the area of his right ear as he was speaking, with videos showing him quickly clutching his ear and then ducking down to the ground, as security agents and others leapt to his aid. 

Though Trump managed to escape with only minor injuries, one spectator was killed and at least two were injured. The shooter, 20 year old Thomas Matthew Crooks, was killed by secret service agents on the scene.

Trump has since come out to say that ‘reality is just setting in’ – which is exactly how Shannon Olsen, 29, felt, after getting a botched tragus piercing several years ago.

“If it’s anything like the piercing I received, he must be in soo much pain”, says Shannon, clutching her ear as she remembered the event, “god, it fucking hurt.”

“There was blood everywhere.”

“Couldn’t sleep on my side for a week!”

More to come.


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