A local IT girl is melting down like a Dusk candle today after watching her mother try on her very unique and personal style.

Arabella Philson-Wattleseed, a 25 year old social media marketing intern, was doom scrolling on the couch when her mother Janelle came home carrying the shopping.

Watching her Mum dump six bags of farmers market produce onto the granite kitchen benchtop, Arabella was fuming to see her Mum had taken the liberty of borrowing her freshly purchased white Adidas sambas.

“Mum?! They’re my new ones!” Arabella screamed across the lounge room, distraught to see her favourite sneakers speckled in some fresh mud, “They only arrived this week!”

Unphased by her daughter’s overdramatic shouting, Janelle sighed as she wore the brunt of her bratty offspring chucking a tanty.

“Sorry love my joggers got soaked in the rain last night, I just needed to borrow your sandshoes.”

After a 10-minute shouting match, which involved Arabella shoving a screenshot into her Mum’s face to prove she’d just spent $130 for the sneakers to be express delivered, Arabella stalked off to her room to further scroll some online deals to replace the one item of clothing in her life she’s unable to separate herself from.

“Ughh I literally haven’t paid the first AfterPay instalment on them and Mum’s gone and soiled them,” Arabella complained to our reporter.

“What am I going to wear to the office now?!”


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