81-year-old US President Joe Biden has officially declared that it would be in the best interests of the Democratic Party, and the American people, if he were to pull out of the race for the White House.

Biden has also clarified that he will continue to serve the rest of his term as president, and has immediately thrown his support behind Vice President Kamala Harris to replace him as the Democrat nominee to face off against the Republican former president Donald Trump on November 5.

This marks the first time that the name Kamala Harris has made headlines since she was recorded saying ‘we did it, Joe’ while on the phone to President Biden in the hours after their 2020 election win.

As a former District Attorney from San Francisco, Kamala Harris was not really a household name in America before being added to Biden’s ticket as VP in 2020. Let alone in countries like Australia.

In fact, she hasn’t really been involved in US Politics for as long as Donald Trump. Like Trump’s current pick for Vice President, she only served as a junior U.S. senator for 18 months before launching her own bid for the White House. She represented California in this capacity from 2017 to 2021 – becoming the second African-American woman and the first South Asian American to serve in the U.S. Senate.

What is known about Harris, is that she her mother was a Tamil Indian who worked in groundbreaking cancer research, and her father was a Jamaican-American who worked as a professor at Stanford University. Outside of that, she’s pretty much only known for her efforts to lower crime in San Francisco with anti-truancy campaigns and a push to legalise marijuana. She is also pro-abortion, despite being a confirmed Baptist. Her husband is a multimillionaire entertainment lawyer, which is very Californian of her. She has two stepchildren.

However despite only being 59, and only being involved in Federal Politics since 2017, one far-right amateur Aussie pundit reckons there’s heaps out there about Kamala Harris – that’s if you can see through the media.

“The fake news and political elites are acting like she’s a fresh face and a clean slate” says local Sky News viewer, Bronson Cherrington (73), who could’ve easily mistaken Kamala Harris for Michelle Obama less than 24 hours ago.

“But she’s part of that whole Clinton cabal. Epstein. Fauci. Bill Gates. Soros. The list goes on”

When asked who he thinks will win the 2024 US election, Bronson says Trump SHOULD win by a landslide. But history shows the radical left-wing ANTIFA elite “just steal elections anyway.”

Our reporters ended the interview abruptly when Bronson began talking about ‘this article’ he read online about ‘verified links’ between Kamala Harris and the 20-year-old white kid from Pennsylvania who was vaporised by Secret Service snipers last Saturday.


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