As the race to the Whitehouse becomes to heat up, The Betoota Advocate has decided to break it’s strict apolitical position and put forward a left field candidate.

With Joe Biden officially pulling out of contention for the Democratic nomination in this November’s US election, our humble regional newspaper is calling for Sydney Sweeney to be the 47th President.

Blessed with a uniform popularity across the country and globe, The Advocate believes you should like this post if you think that Sydney would be a much better pick than either of the current hopefuls.

The Advocate has also broken its strict non-political stance to suggest that Sweeny could even take over from Biden as early as this week.

It is this newspaper’s opinion that she doesn’t even need to wait to be elected by the people of the United States, but could take over the top job if Biden were to stand down ahead of the election.

So, if you agree with our position, help keep independent media afloat and like this post.

More to come.


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