In a baffling turn of events, local mum Patricia Thompson (58) , who has conquered all 17,090 levels of Candy Crush, still struggles with some of the basic functions of her smartphone.

Despite her unshakable dedication to Candy Crush Saga, one of the few apps installed on her phone , Patricia often calls her son for help with a range of technical issues on her phone.

“She was asking me how to flip her camera into selfie mode. Seriously?” Said Patricia’s son, Tim (29).

Friends and family members have expressed both amusement and bewilderment at the fact that Patricia has sunk so many hours into a video game that can at times be quite challenging yet is still not able to use some of the phone’s most basic functions.

“You’d think after all those levels, she’d at least figure out how to navigate the alarm app” Said Tim.

Psychologists suggest that Patricia’s case might illustrate a fascinating paradox in modern digital literacy. 

“We think there’s a near perfect correlation with the fact that the better you are at Candy Crush Saga, the worse you are with using your phone.” explained Dr. Rebecca Hayes, psychologist specialising in technology use.

Despite the nonstop calls to her son, Patricia remains optimistic about her journey to digital literacy.

“Oh, I’ll get there one day, slow and steady win the race as they say!”


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