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A couple of geriatrics have today given the media something to write about today.

In some exciting news for geopolitical nerds and journalists in a post Olympic news vacuum, a former speaker of the United States House of Representatives and a former Australian Prime Minister have been trading verbal barbs.

The back and forth between the two gibbering old political relates to China or AUKUS or some shit like that.

It’s apparently been sparked by Pelosi’s interview with the ABC’s 7:30 program, which aired last night, where she took issue with Keating saying Taiwan is ‘Chinese real estate.’

It’s believed the two have different neoliberal perspectives on China, with Pelosi seeing China as a threat to US market dominance and Keating believing the market should dictate his political position.

The grandstanding has also seen some shade thrown about AUKUS, but has yet to descend into an argument about who is the biggest advocate of neoliberal economic policy which has gradually undermined the economy and fabric of our society.

On the American side of things Pelosi is reportedly contemplating reminding Keating that she was the Speaker of the House when the government bailed out the deregulated financial industry that caused financial suffering and pain for billions of people around the world.

While Keating has confirmed he will likely return serve with details of his own deregulation of the Australian financial system, saying he’s keen to rek Pelosi by regaling her with a list of all the public assets he sold.

“Nancy reckons she can make money off the stock market,” laughed Keating slowly.

“I turned Commonwealth Serum Laboratories into the 3rd biggest Australian company on the market.”

“I sold that shit for a few hundred million dollars and look at it now,” he laughed.

“Can’t get much more neoliberal than that.”


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