ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A city worker has looked to his more organised and knowledgable mates this weekend for a venue showing UFC 305, which is set to take place in Perth this Sunday.

“So,” said Miles Davidson, a commercial leasing agent with Ray White Betoota.

“Where are we watching the human cockfighting this weekend? The Bronze Head in the French Quarter would be good but I don’t want to get punched in the back of the head by an Irish waterproofer so maybe the Gelded Seahorse? Do they show the human cockfighting?”

The 28-year-old studio apartment enjoyer was asking this of his university-era friendship group via WhatsApp group message.

An hour later, he checked to see who’d seen his message. Who had seen it and chosen not to reply.

One of them, Riley Frisbee, told The Advocate that Miles is actually a very casual, transient fan of combat sports and when he and the other members of “BACKSHOT BOYS 2024” who enjoy the art of MMA meet up for a bout, they don’t like having to explain everything. They’d rather comment among themselves about how good or bad every other move was.

“Miles is a great bloke but the fact he calls MMA ‘human cockfighting’ shows he’s not really keen to watch the fight, I think he’s actually more keen on getting out of the house. I get it, he lives alone and did Dry July, so I bet he just wants to be amongst it. Or he has FOMO. Who knows?” said Frisbee.

“All I know is that I don’t want this UFC ruined by Miles drinking 10 schooners of Hard Solo and asking how he can put a bet on.”

Miles confirmed to The Advocate that gambling on the outcome of the fights is key to his interest in going to watch them.

“I will be betting on every fight. That’s my interest in it. I’ve done it before, there’s nothing like the fighter you had $50 just absolutely punching the beard off some bloke. Explosive.”

More to come.


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