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Our premier Steven Miles has said Cricket Australia’s decision to prevent the Gabba from hosting Test matches after the 2025-26 Ashes because the stadium is getting long in the tooth is disappointing.

Speaking to the media today in Brisbane, Premier Miles said he feels frustrated because we all know there’s not much wrong with the Gabba, it’s just a bit old.

“Fuck’s sake,” he said to the room of journalists.

“There’s nothing fucken wrong with the fucken Gabba. Sure, it’s not a flash as fucken Optus Stadium in Perth or the MCG. It’s fucken way better than the SCG, they’ve got those ugly stands there chock full of bloody dickheads. We don’t have a Members Stand at the Gabba because in Queensland, we’re all fucken equal. Some of us sit in seats, some of us sit in corporate boxes. That’s fucken it. We even have a fucken pool. Where else in the world can you watch sport in a fucken pool like that?”

“Fucken Cricket Australia needs to wake up to themselves. People fucken live next door to the Gabba, you can’t be ruining their lives with construction noise just to make some southern elite like Mike Baird happy. Fucken fortunate son fucken daddy’s boy fuck he is. Fuck off. What happens after the Olympics, too? No thanks. We’re fucken Queenslanders!”

“We make do! Or, we make some other cunt pay for it! That being said, if Anthony Bargearseanese wants to get off his arse and open the chequebook, I’ll have this fucken thing reduced to rubble overnight!”

The Advocate reached out to Cricket Australia for comment and they were able to confirm that alternate venues were being looked at.

“It’s a shame the Queensland Government doesn’t think high-quality public infrastructure like a cricket ground is a high priority,” they said in a short statement.

“Possible alternatives could be Marrara Oval in Darwin or Manuka in Canberra. The Brian Weightman Oval in Mildura or Pirlangimpi Oval on the Tiwis.”

More to come.


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