TAKE THE SECOND EXIT: In a heart-wrenching twist of marital bliss, local newlyweds Matt and Sarah Jenkins (both 29) are discovering the true test of their love lies not in the vows exchanged, but on the open roads.

The couple, who tied the knot just six months ago, find themselves on the verge of divorce every time they attempt to embark on a simple road trip. 

What should be a romantic weekend away, quickly turns into a heated arguments over directions, with neither party willing to concede defeat.

“How hard is it to follow a map?!” Matt exclaimed through clenched teeth while white-knuckling the steering wheel.

“I just need her to tell me when to take the next turn off the highway”

What begins as a friendly discussion over Google Maps coordinates quickly escalates into accusations of poor listening skills and questionable driving choices. 

“I thought marriage would be about love and support,” Sarah lamented. “Instead, it’s a constant struggle over whether I’m following the map correctly or not.”

With tensions rising and the honeymoon phase clearly fading, the couple is now contemplating the only option left: driving separately.

“Honestly, it’s probably for the best,” Sarah sighed, scrolling through her phone for alternate routes. “At least we’ll both arrive at our destination in one piece—if we can agree on which one that is.”

More to come.


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