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Local electrician Ben Hargreaves has become the subject of much wonderment among his mates after ordering the crumbed steak special at the Lake Betoota Golf Club bistro last night following the 2BBB Stableford competition.

To make matters worse, the 34-year-old father of two, who plays off 3, didn’t opt to pay the extra $2 for gravy. This decision was met with looks of disbelief from his mates after choosing the crumbed beef option over the classic, cheaper chicken schnitty. Things took a further nosedive when Ben instead drowned the crumbed steak in tomato sauce.

“Mate, you’re a fucken weird c**t,” said playing partner Chris Jenkins.

“You celebrate 40 points and a nearest to pin with a fucken crumbed steak and a low-card VB? What’s the fucken matter with you?”

Ben, however, seemed unfazed by the judgement, tucking into the breaded beef with a smile.

“It’s only a crumbed steak, you dirty lefties,” he said, chuckling to himself.

“It’s not like I’m eating fish like some bent freak happy clapper.”

“You’re putting sauce on steak? Mate, just get a schnitty like a normal person,” continued Chris.

“Or get a burger or the crumbed cutlets.”

Despite the ‘smooth brain’ critiques of his afternoon tea, Ben stood his ground.

“The crumbed steak is the thinking man’s schnitzel. When it comes up on the special board, you’re an idiot for not jumping on it.”

More to come.


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