ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

A local mother has paused to reflect on the many wrongs a local bakery has committed against her this afternoon as she made the trip home after collecting her daughter from the train station.

Dr Wendy Jenkins, a local GP, picked daughter Grace up from Betoota Central shortly after 3pm and decided to head home through the French Quarter to pick up some supplies for dinner. Grace, who’s at university in Brisbane, spotted one of the last businesses open.

“We can just get a pie or a quiche from Brood en Banket?” said Grace. “They’re delicious.”

A cool silence filled the Honda Jazz.

“We don’t go there anymore,” said Dr Wendy.

“They can go and get fucked.”

Grace obviously hadn’t heard why or what had happened to cause this. From an early age, Grace remembers going there. She remembers Toni, the baker. There’s alot she remebers about this place.

“Why? What happened?” she asked.

Her mother, without even looking over at her at the red light, began filling her in.

“Your father ordered two dozen bread rolls for the worksite BBQ, for the team after they finished our renovations,” she said.

“And they only put 24 rolls in the bag. It just doesn’t feel right. It feels cheap, you know? We were expecting 26. A baker’s dozen.”

Grace just nodded and opted not to say anything.

“Oh,” Dr Wendy continued.

“Toni’s been having it off with Glenn the butcher and he’s left his wife and kids. It’s just fucked.”

More to come.


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