A loyal supporter of the defenders of Australia’s working class, Labor, has decided to treat her kids to an exotic dish from the mountains of Morocco that she saw once on her favorite channel, SBS Food.

Marigold Wakehurst (57), an early gentrifier to the inner city, has long prided herself on being a staunch defender of the less fortunate—and also an avid collector of expensive Indigenous artwork.

Unlike the previous occupants of her inner-city house, Marigold actually prides herself on expanding the taste palettes of her two gorgeous sons, who attend an alternative—but still private—international secondary school.

“I see all these bloody bogans feeding their kids absolute filth! It’s disgusting! I think the state should get involved, quite frankly… they’re eating McDonald’s for dinner!” the mother of two cried moments before violently heckling the elites of the Liberal Party while watching the news with a glass of red.

“It’s just so important that I feed my kids the most exotic food possible; that way they won’t be racist, you see?” Marigold explained.

Despite her occasionally elitist claims against the previous occupants of her home, Marigold assured The Advocate that raising her sons to be progressive and caring members of society is a top priority for her.

Her sons, Benjamin (15) and Tobias (17), have mixed feelings about their mum’s cooking decisions.

“Please make this end,” said Tobias.

“SBS Food has had devastating effects on what I’m fed at night.”

“I haven’t had a meal from a country I’ve heard of in almost two years.”


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