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Betoota Heights woman Darcy Gale, 29 has today revealed that she believes her addiction to role playing games may have ‘permanently’ rewired her brain, causing her to gamify everyday interactions, it’s reported.

Originally developing an addiction to the Sims as a kid, Darcy says she still sees those little negative interaction icons flash in her brain whenever she has an unpleasant conversation with someone, leading her to ponder if she’s got some kind of RPG related psychosis.

“I played Sims so much as a kid, I still see little plus or negative signs flash in my head”, she admits, “like I’ll have a nice bonding moment with a friend and think how it’s generating a positive friendship score.”

It’s alleged this problem has compounded since getting into ‘Baldur’s Gate 3’, which has a lot of similar characteristics to the Sims except you can murder people in combat – no mods required.

“I just wanted to play so I could seduce the hot twink vampire, and now I have brain rot”, says Darcy who’s currently chalked up over 100 hours going on quests with her companions, “I had a bad meeting with the boss last week, and all I could think of was ‘failed persuasion check.”

“Only it’s real life and I can’t just roll again with inspiration or blast him with Fireball.”

Darcy says she’s also disappointed that she can’t just load up an earlier version of herself and choose a different option.

“Like, if you fuck up in real life, you have to just live with that decision and not go to back to Autosave 14???”

“God I hate it here.”

More to come.


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