Leeam Elphnick is around 72 kilos ringing wet.

He also hasn’t taken a solid shit in about four years – due to a lactose intolerance that he refuses to let hinder his unquenchable thirst for chocolate flavoured iced coffee at smoko.

His mother will tell you that gets really bad eczema on his ankles during heatwaves, and his dad well tell you he wasn’t that good footy growing up. In fact, he mostly avoided any fight-or-flight situations throughout his early twenties because it’s well known locally that he’s got an older cousin who nearly went to jail for bashing some bloke unconscious at the RSL back in the day.

But even despite the ‘church mouse’ stereotype that still follows him on the worksite, this 28-year-old plumber is built different. And should not be underestimated when the going gets tough.

That’s according to a series of images that he has recently started sharing with his wider social media network through the Instagram stories feature.

These photos of range from wild African lions overlaid with modern proverbs about grinding and hustling – to the more menacing still shots of the fictional 1920s British gangster ‘Tommy Shelby’ from Peaky Blinders, who appears alongside quotes that highlight the fact that sometimes chivalry requires a man to spill blood.

But today’s post has taken another turn. Leeam is no longer pitching himself as a hustler or an anti-hero.

He’s a warrior.

The quote, which remains uncredited, appears to be some sort of a metaphor about the warrior mentality of medieval knights and or gladiators – which still exists today. In men like him.

It reads as follows: ‘You are a warrior. Warriors don’t give up, and they don’t back down. Pick up your sword, pick up your shield, and fight for what you believe in.’

It is not yet certain if this post is Leeam using social media as a form of outward self-expression, or if it’s meant as inspiration for others who could benefit from approaching life in the same way he does.

It is also unclear why Leeam what beliefs Leeam is fighting for in his day-to-day life as a suburban plumber on fairly good coin, but many of his followers assume this may be related to a custody battle.


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