EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

In what can only be described as a classic misunderstanding between the worlds of extreme sports and dental hygiene, local skateboarder Luke Ruben, 20, was left utterly baffled after his dentist asked if he “grinds in his sleep.”

Seeing his family dentist at the insistence of his mum, who was nice enough to pay, Luke soon found himself having a deep chat about skating culture.

“Yeah it was weird hey, I thought it was an oddly specific question,” Luke recounted, adjusting his beanie, “I told him I’m not skilled enough to grind in my sleep yet, but I’m getting there.”

“I don’t even know how he knew I was a skater. That’s so cool though.”

Dr. Hanneman, however, had been referring to bruxism— a common condition where people unconsciously clench or grind their teeth during sleep.

“It took me a moment to realise that Luke thought I was asking about skateboarding tricks,” Dr. Hanneman explained with a sigh, “when I clarified that I meant teeth grinding, he just looked at me kind of sadly.

More to come.


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