A local door opener from our town’s aspirational Betoota Heights district has today directed a couple of local peasants to try and read between the lines.

Hosting an open home at the incredibly convenient time of 10:30am on a Thursday morning, the local leasing agent from Ray-Hooker Betoota explained to prospective tenants of the new place how to field a ‘strong application.’

“Look we certainly recommend you put forward as competitive an offer as possible,” winked the agent named Trey Wiley.

“If you know what I mean…”

Although completely aware of what he meant, and absolutely fucking seething at the insinuation, local man Rory Sloane pushed the agent to clarify just exactly what he was saying.

“Oh like, obviously it’s listed at a certain price and rent bidding is technicallyyyyy illegal, but if you are keen on this place, we’d definitely recommend making a really strong application that we can’t put before the owner and get you over the line.”

“Cause at the end of the day I just want you guys to get the place you know,” said the agent pushing for an extra 7 dollars a week in his company’s pocket to push a young couple even further into financial stress.

“So yeah, just make whatever changes you need to make it as a strong as possible.”

“Cause I know there’s fuck all other places on the market at the moment, and you aren’t really in a position to making demands you fucking pieces of shit haha”

“Sorry, I got a bit carried away there.”

“Just sort it out okay haha.”


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