ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Tech entrepreneur and part-time corporate raider Michael (Mike) Cannon-Brookes is building the world’s tallest wooden structure in Sydney to put his company, Atlassian, in.

Though wood is an outdated and inferior building product, Mr Cannon-Brookes told The Advocate it’s all that he, and Atlassian, can afford at the moment.

“I don’t expect a humble newspaper editor-at-large, whatever the fuck that is, to know just how much concrete costs,” said Cannon-Brookes to our reporter this morning via wireless telephone.

“It’s very expensive. To be frank, it was too expensive, so we decided to build it out of wood. Wood is still a good building material, it’s a step up from the mud hut you crawled out of, that’s for sure, Errol,”

“I know what you’re going to say, because you’re an idiot, and no, it’s not more flammable because it’s made of wood. You see, buildings have to be made to ‘code’ which makes them safe. Wood is just as safe as concrete because of these codes. Do you understand?”

Our reporter indicated that they did.

“Great. Question. Do you even know what Atlassian does?”

Our reporter indicated they did not. Perhaps it was a bit like Slack — but for people who do the chest strap up on their backpack.

“Go fuck yourself,” said Cannon-Brookes.

More to come.


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