ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

Momentary confusion filled the beer garden of the Gelded Seahorse Hotel in the French Quarter this afternoon as one local veterinarian was introduced as a ‘vet’ to a mate of a mate who’s a former member of the Australian Defence Force.

Enjoying a cold pint and someone else’s Peter Stuyvesant, veterinarian Mike Dunhill stood in his scrub bottoms, crocs and jumper on top. In the cool breeze and shade, he was catching up with some mates and enjoying a laugh.

Then in walked Mike’s mate Dylan, who had his mate Liam following about five paces behind.

As Dylan went around the circle of bloke introducing them to Liam, he thought he’d throw a barb at Mike just because.

“Don’t let the scrubs fool you, Mike’s a vet,” he said.

Liam smiled only hearing the last bit in the noisy beer garden.

“True, I’m Old Faithful Charlie Company, what branch you cob?”

Mike nodded.

“Yeah, totally,” he said, again not really hearing what was said over the yelling and 4pm dance music.

Liam smiled.

“You serve overseas or?”

Mike looked at Dylan.

“Nah, just here. I do horses and livestock mostly. Big animals.”

Liam looked at Dylan and laughed.

“Fuck me, I thought you were in the army too” said Liam.

Mike laughed.

“Nah mate, I just repair animals, bra. You want a smoke? Get one off Johhny! OI JOHHNY!! This AJ wants a smoke!”

More to come.


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