ERROL PARKER | Editor-at-large | Contact

An idiot from our town’s freshly developed Heights area has complained this morning about giving a third of his pay packet to the Federal Government.

“Taxation is theft,” said Don Gunk, a mid-level public servant at Main Roads.

“What do I get in return? I don’t have any kids, I’m in good health? Why should I have to pay for other people’s health problems? Why do I have to educate other people’s children? So I’m paying 35% of my income to the government so they can buy submarines that they want to use to sink Chinese warships? Or Indian warships? It’s hard to keep up with who we’re supposed to be afraid of,”

“And I’m not going into aged care, either. I will make sure of that. Hopefully the government comes to its senses and lets people put themselves to sleep as an alternative to aged care. Fuck that.”

The 40-year-old’s sentiments were echoed by his brother Greg – until his son was born six weeks early.

That was six years ago and this year, Greg’s son started at Green Road State School.

“I used to bang on about being ripped off by the government but if you’ve ever been in a NICU, you see your tax dollars at work,” he said.

“You know, my wife and I and our son spent six weeks in the NICU. At the end of it, we had to pay $40 for medication at the hospital chemist and we were off. Round the clock specialist care, for six weeks, for free. Well, not free, but you get the picture. I saw this nurse put a cannula into a newborn baby’s hand. Crazy skill,”

“It’s the price you have to pay to take part in our society. If you don’t want to pay tax then go and get a job in Saudi Arabia or equivalent. It’s easy.”

More to come.


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