EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

In some lighter news, a local woman has discovered the easiest way to name her Dungeons and Dragons character is to simply look up the brand names of antidepressants, it’s reported.

As someone who finds it hard to commit to a campaign, Claire Gable, 28, says she much prefers to partake in the occasional ‘one shot’, which gives her the added benefit of being able to play as different classes – though she does often find herself opting for a sorcerer, if only to Fireball the fuck out of everyone.

Originally having difficulty coming up with a cool name, Claire says she took eventually found inspiration when she popped her daily Zoloft, which according to her, is ‘definitely a wizard.’

“Effexor is a sorcerer because it casts brain zaps as an opportunity attack if you try to withdraw from the battle”, explains Claire, “whereas Remeron sounds like a Paladin name.”

“Seroquel is an elf Cleric and Desyrel is a druid”

Claire says contraceptives also have a lot of pretty names for female characters.

“Mirena, Balziza, Philith, Gildagia, Estarylla.”

“It’s like they’ve done it on purpose.”

More to come.


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