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A Betoota Ponds moggy has finally come out from their hiding place this morning, having spent the entire night ignoring his owner’s cries of distress as she desperately tried to find him.

Unlike a dog, who would instantly come running at the sound of their name, ‘Spoons’ tends to only respond when he figures there’s something in it for him or if he’s in one of his rare, generous moods.

Which was not last night, according to his owner, Anita Hobbs, 29.

“He’s gone ‘missing’ before, but I usually find him in one of his favourite hiding places”, explains Anita, “so under the couch, one of the dining table chairs, or snoozing behind a curtain.”

“But I couldn’t find him anywhere.”

Over the next six hours, Anita says she combed through every nook and cranny of her modest two-bedroom home, even checking inside the refrigerator twice, just in case Spoons had developed the ability to open doors and climb inside.

And then, of course, the dreaded washing machine.

“He loves dark places, so I’m always terrified he’s managed to climb into the washing machine”, says Anita, “I won’t turn it on without checking several times.’

“He wasn’t there either.”

However, at around 6;00 this morning, just as Anita was considering making a “Missing Cat” post in her Facebook apartment building group, a fateful thought occurred to her.

Shake the cat biscuits.

Anita says the sound barely had time to echo across the living room before a small, furry shadow slinked out from under the couch—completely nonchalant and utterly unbothered by the emotional rollercoaster he had just inflicted on his human.

“Little fat shit came running out, didn’t he?”

More to come.


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