After being carried to full-term without being terminated, a local Queenslander has successfully passed through the birth canal today.

It will now be ignored by the Liberal National Party until it is old enough to commit a crime, at which point it will given an adult sentence.

But with air in the lungs and it’s first taste of mother’s milk – the baby and the baby’s mother don’t have to worry about being policed by the LNP. For now.

In what is known as a spontaneous vaginal delivery, the baby’s mother didn’t even have to worry about forceps or epidurals.

In fact, from insemination until childbirth, there has been very little medical intervention – aside from a few vitamins and here and there and the odd scan.

And that’s just how the Queensland State Opposition likes it.

Because unbeknownst to this newborn Queensland child, the backbenchers of the LNP have been keeping a close eye on this pregnancy – as they do with every unborn child in the state.

In fact, they are so obsessed with monitoring women’s bodies that they voted to keep abortion in the criminal code in 2018, and have again pre-selected a whole bunch more candidates who’ve publicly expressed their intentions to bring back bans for abortions.

The LNP’s religiously-motivated vendetta to stop women from accessing reproductive healthcare has made headlines this last week, as the Queensland media’s protection racket fails to stop this previously well-hidden political ideology from coming up.

This fascination with unborn babies, and the bodies of women, comes as quite a surprise. Given that both the LNP will now ignore this newborn QLD baby for the next decade or so, with not a care in the world if it goes hungry, or if the baby’s mum cannot afford childcare and can therefor not work.

This baby and this baby’s mum are no longer of any interest to the LNP – now that it has been born.

That is until it steals a car, or breaks into someones home looking for shiny things. At which point, the LNP will assume full responsibility of this child – as far as providing it a bed and three free meals a day while the young Queenslander learns of better ways to commit crimes from cellmates in juvie. If need be, the baby can be handed over to this form of state care in just ten short years.


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