The Queensland Opposition Leader has today moved to clarify a notable policy position ahead of the second Premier’s debate. 

David Crisafulli has confirmed to The Advocate that Premier Steven Miles’ ‘Free Lunch for School Children’ policy is complete bullshit. 

“Mate, that’s the problem with this generation, they expect everything to just be handed to them on a platter,” said the Opposition Leader. 

“And if it’s not, then they go and steal it from hardworking people,” explained the leader who wants to lock up kids, but not the career corporate criminals who rort the state’s taxation system, flaunt methane regulations, and allow their mines to catch on fire. 

Crisafulli said that what these kid’s need to learn is the value of an honest dollar. 

“One of the most valuable lessons in life is that there is no such thing as a free lunch!” said Crisafulli. 

“Unless it’s on the card of a minerals lobbyist or a large multinational resources company,” he laughed. 

“But then again, that’s not really free. I’m helping them avoid regulating their emissions and find ways to pay the absolute bare minimum in terms of royalties and tax.” 

“Besides, if I get in, they’ll absolutely be getting their value out of me,” laughed the man that says energy targets are fanciful, has promised to scrap royalties for mining companies and is open to the hare-brained federal nuclear plan. 

“So it is quid pro quo.” 

“Or lunches for unchecked methane pollution and tax loopholes.” 

“But that doesn’t really sound as good.” 

“And they definitely won’t have to pay for these kid’s lunches.” 

Premier Miles refused to comment, with his advisor saying he’s pretty happy that David is giving him a free run on this stuff. 

More to come. 


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