EFFIE BATEMAN Lifestyle Contact

A bloke purchasing a single cucumber and bottle of olive oil at a Woolies checkout has unfortunately realised too late that it looks like he might have some very peculiar plans for the evening, after copping an odd look from the sixteen year old cashier.

With a 2kg bucket of almost expired yoghurt sitting in his fridge, Daniel Plemons, 32,  tells The Advocate that he figured he may as well get a couple of more ingredients and make some homemade Tzatziki, because he was in an ‘experimental mood.’

But in the bright lights of the self-checkout area, with only his two items in hand, the gravity of his situation became crystal clear. 

A bottle of extra virgin olive oil,  singular, almost comically oversized cucumber, and a slightly bedraggled looking man with a strange aura.

“No, I plan on eating the cucumber”, laughs Daniel, awkwardly.

“With my mouth”, he clarifies.

Our reporter asks why Daniel didn’t simply use the self checkout. He insists it’s because he had cash.

“It’s for my Tzatziki!”

“I love my creamy cucumber yoghurt dip.”

More to come


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