WYATT ENRIDGE Neoliberal | Contact

Okay, so major vibe shift overnight.

Trump is back in the White House. SMDH.

This came as a surprise to the entire Democratic Party and their elderly powerbrokers at Martha’s Vineyard. Lots to dissect but it seems that POC, Latinx and pansexual folk will literally vote for a convicted felon and bigot if their lives are worse than they were four years ago.

There’s a lot of lessons for the Democrats about why working class people of colour still voted for Donald Trump despite the fact that he says things that would get him fired on the spot if he worked for Disney or Nike.

There’s also a lot to dissect when it comes to why voters couldn’t be convinced that Kamala Harris is different to Joe Biden – when clearly, she is. Look at her!

And what was so wrong with Biden anyway? Aside from being an old white man, almost everything was better while he was President. Except for the cost-of-living crisis and the global instability caused by two major conflicts in Europe and the Middle East, literally everything else was better under Biden than it was under Trump. It’s hard to believe that out of everything, such minor issues would be causing more distress for voters than Donald Trump’s ill-fitting suits and tacky political rhetoric.

But still, the Democratic Party remains committed to their decade-long fight to finally rid American politics of Donald Trump and anyone who echoes his repugnant attitude towards the system that he has twice been able to take full control of.

The battle is even more important this time, because he’s likely going to be able to select two more Supreme Court judges into jobs for life. He’s also got complete mandate in both the house and senate.

The Democrats need to be on their game in four years time, because

That means they need to be inserting billionaire celebrities into their campaigns earlier. That means they need to be faster at adapting to the ever-shifting paradigms of political correct language. And most important of all, the Democrats need to be appropriating short-lived internet trends for even longer.

This is the only way to defeat Trumpism – because it seems that outspending his campaign 3 to 1 simply isn’t enough when American voters are so obsessed with ThE EcOnOmY and making sure they don’t miss MoRtgAge PaYmEntS.

But there is good news. The Democrats are still committed to the goal of taking back the White House from Trump, a second time. Today, they have promised voters that 2028 is going to be an even more Brat summer.



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