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Father Sharma of Betoota’s Combined Churches has today shared with his congregation a Christmas message to our local residents and beyond, after what has been a very tough year for many.

He says it’s thanks to the many community groups in our region that some of those doing it tough this year have received support or relief. Whether that be the simple human connection of friendly neighbours, or the tireless work of the Salvos and the local Sikh Kitchen.

He says it thanks to the many community groups in our region that some of those doing it tough this year have received support or relief, whether that be the simple human connection of friendly neighbours, or the tireless work of the Salvos and the local Sikh Kitchen.

Father Sharma of Betoota’s Combined Churches has today cshared with his congregation a Christmas message to our local residents and beyond.

“Christmas is about peace and love and care for one another” he said.

”Whether that be the wisemen bringing gifts to Mary and Joseph and their newborn, or more contemporary Christmas stories”

“It could be the protaganist of Paul Kelly’s ‘How To Make Gravy’ – as he puts past grudges behind him and opts to spread his cheerful blessings and secret sauce recipe from behind bars”

“It could be the countless charity groups providing Christmas hampers to those doing it tough during this special time of the year”

But as the Priest goes on to explain, their is no greater modern exemplification of the Christmas spirit than his favourite Christmas movie. And it’s not that modern.

“Die Hard. The first one” says Father Sharma.

“When John McClane is holed up in the ductwork of the Nakatomi Plaza in Los Angeles. Knowing full well that his wife and her colleagues are being held hostage downstairs by East German terrorists”

“This is a story of sacrifice. Of love. And peace through suffering”

The 1988 American action film broken records as Summer Blockbuster, grossing approximately $140 million USD, becoming the year’s highest-grossing action film, while also receiving four Academy Award nominations.

However, with all the gunfire and swearing, it took several decades for Die Hard to be recognised for what it is, a Christmas Story.

Father Sharma says it is with great joy that the story of John McClane can now be celebrated for it’s success in embracing the universal themes of Christmas.

“Running across glass, while barefoot. He didn’t just do that to get his hands on a machine gun. He did that to save his wife and make sure everyone got home to their families.”



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