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Opposition leader Peter Dutton has softly campaigned over the weekend, vowing to get Australia back on track.
Back to the same track it was on when Scott Morrison lost the election in 2022. Because that was the right track, according to Dutton himself.
“Australia was derailed when Scott Morrison was defeated at the last election, now we are reaping what we’ve sown,” he said.
“High inflation, low unemployment, cost of living through the roof! These are all things that Australia is suffering under Labor. Remember back to when Australia was on track? Back when Scott Morrison took over from renown socialist coward Malcolm Turnbull, who had to make me Home Affairs minister to get me off his back, don’t forget that. Things were great under Tony Abbott. We still enjoyed a huge amount of freedom, we didn’t have problems with the Chinese and Indian middle class washing through our property market like some sort of tsunami! Our kids could buy a home, you could roam the streets without being accosted by those people. Yes, you know the ones. A man could enjoy his hobbies in North Queensland, now his Land Cruiser and boat will be stolen as soon as he turns his back!”
“The fact that the government printed $156bn during covid to keep the economy going didn’t cause inflation. Me awarding a $300m contract to run offshore detention facilities to a company based inside a shack on Kangaroo Island didn’t either. Scott Morrison secretly making himself Mao Zedong of Covid didn’t. Him saying women are lucky to be Australian because in this country, we don’t mow them down with machine gun fire in this country when they’re hysterical enough to march in the streets, that didn’t cause the cost of living crisis,”
“Do you know what caused all of this? Mr $4m beach house. No, not mine on the Gold Coast I quietly sold for $6m in 2021, I’m talking about Albo! He has caused all this.”
More to come.