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With another 45-degree day on the way, local homeowner Nagle Chandler has been entertaining himself with the idea of getting a pool.
The 32-year-old finance broker, who owns a neatly rendered four-bedder in Betoota Heights’ new AV Jennings estate, says he’s desperate for relief from the heat but unwilling to compromise his sense of taste.
“I could stretch the budget for an above-ground pool or a swim spa,” he told our reporter as he hosed his lawn in the midday sun.
“But swim spas? They are extremely bogan. I could never.”
Nagle, a proud old boy of Cunce College, believes his upbringing gives him a unique perspective on class.
“I wasn’t born into red-brick money like the blokes on half-acre blocks closer to town, but I still have standards,” he says.
“AV Jennings is basically the David Jones of property developers, especially in South West Queensland. I can’t just whack a giant hot tub in my backyard like I’m Nathan Tinkler, can I?”
His dilemma is not financial but aesthetic.
“I know they’ve got jets, filtration systems, all the bells and whistles. But I can’t unsee that image of some bloke with a goatee sinking CC & Dry tinnies in one. Goading his wife into dropping her guts and marvelling at the bubbles. I just can’t, man.”
For now, Nagle is making do with an oscillating mist fan and cold showers, though he admits the heat may eventually break him.
“At this point, I’d take a shell pool,” he continued.
“Just don’t let me catch myself drinking CC & Dry in it. Or farting in front of my wife. I don’t do that.”
More to come.