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Based on population growth in certain areas of NSW, the number of electorates in the state have been cut from 47 to 46 before the election. Borders have also been shifted to make up the movement of people.

John Howard’s old seat of Bennelong, a traditional swing seat currently held by Labor, now takes in a lot more of Sydney’s lower North Shore – suburbs that proudly voted against the Liberals last election, but only because they had an Independent alternative in Kylea Tink. Does this mean Labor loses a seat to the Liberals?

Or will the high net-worth voters of North Sydney clench their teeth and vote Labor for the first time in their lives in an effort to keep their hands clean of a Dutton government.

With Kylea Tink’s seat abolished, the rest of her voters are being moved into ‘Bradfield’ in Sydney’s upper North Shore, a seat that nearly went down to an Independent last election, and most likely will this time.

The one Teal seat that Dutton has been spending the most time in is Wentworth, Malcolm Turnbull’s old seat. The Opposition leader thought he might be able to win back the super rich with his ‘get the economy back on track’ narrative.

It was always going to be a tough battle for Peter Dutton to win back their once safest seat in Australia.

Aside from his lack of climate urgency – which is polled as a major concern for voters in Sydney’s Eastern suburbs – Dutton’s reliance on culture wars issues, as well as his obsession with stoking identity hot buttons, also gives a lot of corporate women the ick. And a lot of them live in Wentworth.

On top of that, Wentworth has now been expanded to include Sydney’s homosexual belt, from the DINKS of Darlinghurst to the Subaru owners of Moore Park. A teal-friendly demographic if there ever was one.

Liberals are reportedly furious that the gays might ruin their chances of reclaiming the East, because homosexuals obviously cannot vote for anyone other than Carla Zampatti’s daughter.

The Betoota Advocate spoke to one local homosexual about these boundary changes, and how this will inform their vote at the upcoming election.

“Oh we are in with Bondi now?” said the local homosexual.


“Oh in that case it’s Allegra darling”


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