Immigration and Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton said the Coalition Government has arranged shelter and other services in the middle of a third-world pacific island community that he wouldn’t even visit without an armed security detail.

Hundreds of refugees inside the Manus Island detention centre are determined to stay, despite power, water and food supplies being cut off, after being scared off by the locals who have already rushed into the the premises to begin looting.

Dutton says he stands by his clear and consistent policy since coming to office that anyone attempting to enter Australia illegally by boat would never settle hereand that alternative arrangements have been made in the township that he will not visit without armed security guards due the social issues faced by this community that has had an Australian detention centre forced upon them and in turn developed an instinctive disdain for foreigners.

“The constant claims of [illegal maritime arrivals] and advocates about their situation in Manus are nothing more than subterfuge,” Mr Dutton said.

“They have long claimed the Manus RPC was a ‘hellhole’ but the moment it was to be closed they demanded it be kept open.”

“Sorry, but we don’t have room. You’ll have to take what you can get, and right now all you can get is a bed in a scary pacific island community with it’s own problems”


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