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With four months to go until the Australian magic mushroom season kicks off, local traffic controller Kelly Dowell (29) has managed to survive the shroom-free summer with a few nang heavy weekends.
Usually a fan of the ‘natural’ and ‘earthly’ high of psychedelic mushrooms, Dowell has managed to curb her lust for natures trip hazard by sucking down box after box of nitrous oxide canisters until she can get her hands on some shrooms again.
“Usually I get a few through the summer months. But this climate change stuff is just too much for it. I only have a two to three month window to get my shroom on”
“After the first rain of winter, I put on my favourite rainbow jumper and beanie combo and we go searching for shrooms in the state forest. I can’t wait for winter. Anyway, chuck us that balloon would ya?”
Unable to unwind without chemically altering her brain, Dowell settled on the fleeting and surprisingly easy to obtain high from ingesting a toxic gas during the time of year she is unable to swallow a wild mushroom to distort his reality.
A self-proclaimed connoisseur of magic mushrooms, Dowell notes the difference of a nang high versus the high she experienced after the mushroom season of the previous year.
“Last year was a great year for shrooms in the state forest. The north facing hillside produced a crop that really thrived due to the rain we had. They produced a balanced and long-lasting trip with notes of amnesia and psychedelia.”
“These nangs, however, are much more reminiscent of being in space without a helmet. No feeling of being connected with nature but the need to grab onto everything before you float away. Plus five good shrooms will do me for a night but I need like 40 of these if I want to have a good time. Fuck my throat hurts.”
“Still good though.”
Dowell notes other changes in her life include a much messier household, a heavier load on bin night and an increase of jokes about baking cakes.
“Haha yeah, might have also put a couple of holes in me brain! Legalise nangs!”