Nathan Hawkins (29) likes to save time in his morning routine by only ironing his shirt collar, which, when wearing underneath a smart jumper, is not visible to the naked and untrained eye.

However, today in Betoota’s only self-regulating high rise, a faulty thermostat has resulted in the usually arctic office’s temperature soaring just above 30 degrees Celsius – which, as Nathan is finding out, is just too bloody hot to be wearing a jumper.

As people stripped off around him, Nathan tried to remain calm and ignore his growing underarm sweat.

Nathan’s best mate and office shit-stirrer spotted Nathan visibly struggling with the temperature and immediately knew that this meant he hadn’t ironed the rest of his shirt, again.

“Nath, mate, aren’t you hot?” Asked Nathan’s colleague, Adam, feigning concern.

“Oh nah, nah, I’m sweet” replied Nathan.

“Mate, I can see you dripping. Why don’t you just take the jumper off?”

At this point Nathan’s body temperature sky rocketed, not only was the office steaming but his jumper wearing was causing quite the commotion. It was clear to Nathan that he had no choice.

He removed his jumper.

“Hahahaha” Adam burst out laughing.

The advocate understands that Nathan had sweat so much under his jumper that his light blue collared shirt now resembled a poorly drawn map of the world.

“When are you gonna learn mate?” Adam said, shaking his head as he walked back to his desk.

It is not yet known whether Nathan has got back at Adam for outing his lazy, or cunning, approach to his work attire. We suspect it’s in the pipeline.

More to come.



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