With the number of bathroom mirror selfies and preventable ecstasy overdoses stacking up, it is clear festival season is well and truly humming in Australia.

This trend has lead research scientists at the CSIRO to release findings that it is physically impossible for anyone to attend a festival without first taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror and posting it to social media.

The research team examined 48 festival attendees and found that none of them were capable of leaving their places of residence to attend a festival until they had taken a photo of themselves in their bathroom mirror and uploaded it to social media with a caption that was the name of the festival with the last letter repeated 20 times e.g. #FOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Research scientists said they were particularly interested in studying festival attendees habitual pre-show selfies in their bathrooms when they could have taken them anywhere else using the selfie camera.

“We believe it may be linked to people feeling comfortable in the space they spend the most time looking at themselves, who cares if they are resting their foot on the toilet,” stated scientist Lisa Huang.

“Or they really wanted the back of their phone to be in the photo as well.”

According to Dr Huang, her team are already putting together a proposal to study why most post-festival comedown photos are taken in black and white.


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